Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

Alert! 18 Taboo Phrases Men Must Never Utter to Women

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You're too emotional

This phrase can dismiss a woman's feelings and imply that her emotions are invalid or exaggerated.

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You should smile more

Telling a woman to smile implies that her appearance is more important than her comfort or emotions, and can be perceived as patronizing.

Off-white Section Separator

You're too sensitive

Dismissing a woman's emotions by labeling her as overly sensitive undermines her experiences and feelings.

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You're just like

 Making generalizations about women based on stereotypes can be demeaning and perpetuate harmful biases.

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You're pretty for a

This backhanded compliment suggests that the woman doesn't meet the expected beauty standards of her group, reinforcing stereotypes and potentially causing offense.

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You're overreacting

Invalidating a woman's reaction or feelings can minimize her experiences and discourage open communication.

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You're just being hormonal

Blaming a woman's emotions on her hormonal state can be dismissive and undermine the validity of her feelings.

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You're not like other girls

This phrase can pit women against each other, implying that some behaviors or traits are superior or inferior to others, creating divisions and reinforcing stereotypes.