10 Ways Your Dog Shows They Love You

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1. Tail wagging

When your dog's tail wags when they see you, it is a clear indication of their affection and happiness.

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2. Licking

Dogs may express their affection by licking your face, paws, or feet. It is their method of showing affection and forming a bond with you.

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3. Cuddling

When your dog seeks physical proximity and appreciates being close to you, this is an indication of their affection.

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4. Excitement and greetings

If your dog gets very excited and jumps up to greet you when you return home, this is a clear sign of their affection and happiness to see you.

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5. Eye contact

When your dog gazes softly into your eyes, it is a sign of trust and affection.

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6. Bringing you gifts

Dogs may bring you their pets or other objects as an expression of their affection and desire to share something with you.

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7. Following you around

If your dog is always by your side or continually checking up on you, this indicates that he or she feels safe and connected to you.

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8. Leaning on you

Dogs may lean against you or rest their head on your lap or limb while leaning on you. This physical contact is a means by which they seek solace and intimacy.

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9. Protective behavior

It is a sign of your dog's affection and loyalty if he becomes vigilant and guards you or demonstrates protective behavior.

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10. Happy and relaxed behavior

Overall, a happy and relaxed demeanor indicates that your dog feels secure, cherished, and satisfied in your presence.