Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

30 facts about Sweden that are surprising for sure

Swedes have a unique cultural tradition called "fika," which is a coffee break that often involves socializing and enjoying pastries or snacks. Fika is an essential part of Swedish culture and is taken seriously in workplaces and social settings.


 Sweden consistently ranks as one of the most gender-equal countries in the world. It has made significant progress in promoting gender equality through policies and initiatives, such as generous parental leave, affordable childcare, and promoting women's representation in various fields.

Gender equality

Sweden is known for its commitment to renewable energy sources. It has set ambitious goals to become one of the world's first fossil fuel-free nations and has made substantial progress in utilizing renewable energy, particularly hydropower and wind power.

Renewable energy

Sweden has a unique law called "Allemansrätten" or the Right of Public Access. It grants everyone the freedom to roam and access nature, including private land, for recreational purposes, as long as they respect the environment and landowners' rights.

Right of Public Access

The prestigious Nobel Prizes were established by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. The prizes are awarded annually in various categories, including physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economic sciences.

The Nobel Prize

Two globally recognized brands, Volvo (automaker) and IKEA (furniture retailer), originated in Sweden. They have become symbols of Swedish design, quality, and innovation.

Volvos and IKEA

Swedes embrace the concept of "lagom," which means finding balance and moderation in all aspects of life. It emphasizes a lifestyle of contentment, sustainability, and avoiding excess.


Sweden is home to the famous Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, the world's first and largest hotel made entirely of ice and snow. It is rebuilt annually using ice from the nearby Torne River and offers a unique experience for visitors.

The Icehotel